Domínguez, D. G. (2024, November). White supremacy in the arts: Tactics to resist white sight. Three workshops presented to staff and Board at Valley of the Moon Festival, Sonoma Valley, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2024, October). The social structure of white supremacy: Reflection, resistance, and reimagining education. Workshop presented to educators and administrators at Amarosa Academy, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2024, September). The power of affinity groups: A co-regulation tool for educators in Sonoma County. Two workshops presented to 21CSLA North Bay/North Coast Regional Lead/SCOE educators, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2024, September). Rest is resistance: The importance of caring for the caregiver. Two workshops presented to student leaders at UC Santa Cruz Student Success, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2024, August). Culturally-humble microskills for successful facilitation with LGBTQIA+ communities. Workshop presented to mental health practitioners in training at the CoastPride Center, Half Moon Bay, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., Berrios, C., & Hernandez Herrera-Moro, N. (2024, August). The cost of caring: Understanding and addressing the impact of compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma on helping professionals. Workshop presented to staff at College Student Life at UC Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & Berrios, C. (2024, July). The cost of caring: Understanding and addressing the impact of compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma on helping professionals. Workshop presented to Title IX staff at UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2024, June). The cost of caring: Understanding and addressing the impact of compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma on helping professionals. Two workshops presented to student leaders at UC Santa Cruz Student Success, Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & Pickrell, A. (2024, March & June). Strategies to co-create diversity, equity, & inclusion policies. Two sessions presented and facilitated with the Educators at Summerfield Waldorf School & Farm, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & On the Margins, Botanical Bus. (2024, May). La Botanica: A health & wellness event for Queer & BIPOC artists. Event organized and facilitated at CoLab, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2024, May). The social structure of white supremacy: Reflection, resistance, and freedom dreaming. Workshop presented to the Counseling Services Clinical Team at the Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & Hernández-Herrera, M. N. (2024-2025). Youth community organizing: Tactics, strategies, & campaigns for educational justice. Eight workshops presented to high school students from the Equity Design Team at Healdsburg High, Healdsburg, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & On the Margins. (2024-2025). Reclaiming rest: The power of healing justice clinics for community organizers and change makers. Four healing justice clinics organized and facilitated for UC Santa Cruz Student Affairs Staff, Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & Correa, G. (2024, April). Finding the calm in chaos: Strategies for case intervention and de-escalation. Two workshops presented to the staff and board of directors of Positive Images (LGBTQIA2+ Center), Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & Correa, G. (2024, March). Learning and practicing microskills for active listening & understanding. Two workshops presented to the Educators at Summerfield Waldorf School & Farm, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & Correa, G. (2024, March). The cost of caring: Understanding and addressing the impact of compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma on helping professionals. Workshop presented to the Executive Leadership Team at Community Action Marin, San Rafael, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2024, February). Finding the calm in chaos: Strategies for case intervention and de-escalation. Workshop presented to the University of California Santa Cruz Division of Student Affairs and Success, Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2024, January). The spectrum and diversity of gender and sexuality: Culture, identity, and positionality. Workshop presented at La Luz Center, Sonoma Valley, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2024, January). Moving beyond the gender binary. Workshop presented to community members and clients from Puente de la Costa Sur, Pescadero, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023-2024). Community organizing for tenants rights in Cloverdale. Ten workshops presented to the Equity Community Organizing Group, Cloverdale, CA.
Kimzin, N., & Domínguez, D. G. (2023-2024). Dream it, build it, love it (Petaluma River Park). Five workshops facilitated for the Community Park Designers of the Petaluma River Park, Petaluma, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, November). Qué es el trauma? Workshop presented in Spanish to community members at St Francis Solano Church, Sonoma Valley, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, November). The spectrum and diversity of gender and sexuality: Culture, identity, and positionality. Two workshops presented in Spanish to community members at Cloverdale Family Apartments, Cloverdale, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, October). Healing racial trauma for collective liberation. Workshop presented to the Positive Images staff, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, September). Caring for the caregiver is rest as resistance. Workshop presented to the University of California Santa Cruz Student Leadership and Training, Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, August). Microskills for successful facilitation with LGBTQIA+ communities. Workshop presented at the CoastPride Center, Half Moon Bay, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, August). Healing intergenerational trauma in Latinx communities. Workshop presented at St. Francis Solano, Sonoma Valley, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, August). Immigration trauma in school settings. Workshop presented to the Bellevue School District, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, June). Retreat facilitated for the Santa Rosa Family Medicine Residency at Santa Rosa Community Health Clinic, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, June). Liberation based-healing. Retreat facilitated at the Hispanics in Philanthropy “Lideres Alumni Summit,” San Francisco, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, May). Healing justice + youth. Healing justice clinic facilitated at the Youth Perspective Event, Elsie Allen High School, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, May). Racial trauma and our mental health. Workshop presented to the Counseling & Psychological Services staff at UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, May). Early literacy & trauma responsive care (Spanish). Two workshops presented at San Francisco Children’s Council, San Francisco, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, March). Caring for the caregiver: Understanding and addressing compassion fatigue and burnout on helpers. Workshop presented to student leaders at UC Santa Cruz Student Success, Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, February). Processing racialized trauma. Workshop presented at Oak Grove Unified School District, Santa Rosa, CA.
Vaid-Menon, A. & Domínguez, D. G. (2023, February). Beyond the gender binary in community organizing. Interview conducted at ¡DALE!, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, January). Understanding the school to prison pipeline. Workshop presented at the Sonoma County Office of Education, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2023, January). Trauma responsive care. in Education. Workshop presented at Roseland Unified School District, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. & Correa, G. (2023, November). What is freedom dreaming? Workshop presented to the Leadership Institute of Daily Acts Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2022, November). Embodying liberation. Workshop presented to the Division of Student Affairs and Success at UC Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2022, October). Understanding and disrupting white supremacy. Workshop presented to the Positive Images staff and board of directors, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2022, July). Freedom dreaming at Roseland Unified School District. Workshop presented to the Roseland School District, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2022, July). Eradicating white supremacy at Oak Grove Union School District. Workshop presented to the Oak Grove Unified School District, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2022, June). Moving beyond the gender binary at Counseling and Psychological Services. Workshop presented to the University of Santa Cruz Counseling and Psychological Services, Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2022, June). Dismantling white supremacy in mental health. Workshop series presented at Hanna Institute, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., Berríos, C., & Correa, G. (2022, April). Humanizing education and youth services in Sonoma County. Seminar presented at the 2022 Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership Retreat, Finley Community Center, Santa Rosa, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2022, February). White supremacy at Counseling and Psychological Services. Workshop presented to the University of Santa Cruz Counseling and Psychological Services, Santa Cruz, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2022, February). White supremacy and its connection to racial trauma. Workshop presented at the Santa Barbara Children’s Trauma Network Conference (virtual presentation).
Berríos, C., & Domínguez, D. G. (2021, September). Redlining in Sonoma County. Seminar presentation for the Committee on the Shelterless, Petaluma, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., De Leon, R., & Hernandez, J. (2021, September). Cómo apoyar la salud mental de nuestros jóvenes [How to support the mental health of our youth]. Panel presented to Sonoma County’s Spanish Speaking Community, Path to Hope Conference, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & Berrios, C. (2021, August). Un retrato del Condado de Sonoma 2021 [A portrait of Sonoma County 2021]. Seminar presented to Sonoma County’s Spanish Speaking Community (organized by Measure of America), Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G., & Kimzin, N. (2021, September). Trauma and the arts with migrant students. Workshop presented at the 2021 National Migrant Education Conference (virtual presentation).
Domínguez, D. G. (2021, August). White supremacy in Sonoma County. Seminar presentation for the Committee on the Shelterless, Petaluma, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2021, April). Dismantling the racial caste system in the United States. Workshop presented for the Catholic Volunteer Network, United States.
Domínguez, D. G. (2021, July). Consciousness raising & daily acts. Workshop presented for Daily Acts, Sonoma County Conference (virtual presentation).
Domínguez, D. G. (2021, May). Self and community care as acts of resistance. Seminar presented for the City of Santa Rosa Advisory Board, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2021, March). White supremacy and racial trauma. Sonoma County Mental Health Board Public Hearing, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2020, September). Education in the time of COVID. Panel presentation at Sonoma County Office of Education’s CARE Collective: Culturally-Sustaining And Responsive Engagement during COVID-19.
Domínguez, D. G. (2020, September). Anti-racism in mental health. Workshop presented at Serenity Knolls, Marin County, CA (virtual presentation).
Domínguez, D. G. (2017, November). Working with vulnerable populations using narrative therapy. Workshop session presented at Haight and Ashbury Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2017, July). Working with undocumented clients using a multi-systemic approach to counseling. Workshop session presented at Haight and Ashbury Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA.
Domínguez, D. G. (2017, May). Human sexuality: An inclusive and strengths-based approach to sexual pleasure. Symposium presented at the 2017 Sonoma County Behavioral Health Division Community Mental Health Lecture Series, Santa Rosa, CA.