Domínguez, D., (2021, October). Latinx Behavioral Health Professionals as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Consultants: Considerations, Practices, and Lessons Learned. Roundtable presentation at the 2021 National Latinx Psychological Association (virtual presentation).
Domínguez, D. (2021, April). White Supremacy and Racial Trauma in the Latinx Community. Keynote speaker presentation at the Latino Family Educational Summit, Santa Rosa, California.
Domínguez, D. (2021, April). Organizing, Mutual Aid, and Mental Health to Disrupt the Dominant Order. Keynote speaker presentation at the 6th Annual Diversity Fair Presented by the Rural Health Research Institute and the Georgia Southern University Psychology Department.
Maldonado, M. G., Domínguez, D. Adlana, U. (2021, February). Inside Out: The Latinx Future of Catholic Higher Education. Catholic Higher Education in Light of Catholic Social Thought. Winter-Spring 2021 Lectures, San Francisco, California.
Domínguez, D. (2021, January). Exist in Dissent to Dismantle Public Educational Caste System. Keynote speaker presentation at the SCOE English Learner Leadership Conference, Sonoma County, California.
Domínguez, D., De Leon, R. Juarez, S. (2020, October). Finding Positive Health in “Fortalezas” and “Comunidad”: A Case Study of LatinX Communities in Sonoma Valley. Poster presented at the 2020 National LatinX Psychological Association in Denver, Colorado. (virtual presentation due to COVID-19).
Domínguez, D., & Hernandez-Arriaga, B. (2020, August). Calling Out Systemic Racism Responsible for the Mental Health Crisis at the Border and Beyond. Symposium presented at the 28th Annual Latino Health Forum, Sonoma County, CA.
Domínguez, D., Vargas, Y., Maddux-Gonzalez, M., Correa, G. & Ramirez, T. (2020, July). Identifying Racial/Social Determinants Impacting Healthcare. Panel presented at the 2020 Los Cien Virtual Conference Series, Sonoma County.
Martinez, D., Domínguez, D., & Hernandez-Arriaga, B. (2019, October). Induced Trauma Due to Family Separation Among Immigrants: Clinical skills for counselors and psychologists. Symposium presented at the 2019 National LatinX Psychological Association in Miami, Florida.
Bleasdale, J., Yanow, H., & Domínguez, D. (2019, April). Supporting Students who are Transgender in Catholic Schools. Symposium presented at the 2019 Annual American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Domínguez, D. & Kristin Dempsey (2019, January). Mentors, Internships, and Employment in Mental Health. Three workshop sessions presented at the 2019 Mi Futuro Annual Conference at Sonoma State University, Santa Rosa, California.
Hernandez-Arriaga, B. & Domínguez, D. (2018, November). Nuestras Manos y Corazones, A Social Justice Response to Natural and Social Disasters. 2018 Fulbright Annual Conference at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), Puebla, México.
Domínguez, D., Hernandez-Arriaga, B., Felipe, L. (2018, August). The Role of Mental Health Practice in Response to Natural Disasters Using a Social Justice Approach. Symposium presented at the 2018 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, California.
Domínguez, D., Hernandez-Arriaga, B., Gerrard, B., Hernández, E., Ozcan, Y. & Amin, N. (2018, August). An Overview of our Disaster Coping Resources Team. Symposium presented at the 2018 Oxford Symposium in School-Based Family Counseling, Oxford, England.
Domínguez, D., Hernandez-Arriaga, B., Felipe, L. (2018, April). Innovative Disaster Relief Efforts by Mental Health Responders in the Digital Age. Poster presented at the 2018 California Psychological Association, La Jolla, California.
Domínguez, D., Hernandez-Arriaga, B., Felipe, L. (2018, April). Responding to Natural Disasters Using a Social Justice Approach to Counseling. Symposium presented at the 2018 California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors Conference, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA.
Domínguez, D. (2018, February). Dreamers in Mental Health. Symposium presented at the Educated and Undocumented Annual Conference at the Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California.
Yeh., C. Y., Domínguez, D.., Tsukamoto, M.B., Khaziran, & S. Hong, E.D. (2017, April). School, Community, and University Partnerships: A Model College Access Program for Urban Youth. Poster session presented at the 2017 California Psychological Association Convention in Burlingame, California.
Domínguez, D. (2016, October). Providing Biopsychosocial Evaluations to Mixed-Immigration-Status Families for Immigration Purposes. Symposium presented at the 2016 Justicia: Language, Culture, Family and Community Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Domínguez, D., Malaret, J., Nakamura, N., Kassan, A., & Fuks, N. (2013, January). Love & Marriage in a Global Context: LGBTQ Immigrants in Binational Relationships. In E. Peña (Chair), Latina Voices: Autoethnographic Narratives of Bi-National Queer/Trans Couples. Symposium presented at the annual National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Houston, Texas.
Domínguez, D., & Loya, L. (2012, November). The Creation of a Psychology Gay-Straight-Alliance in a Catholic University. Poster session presented at the 2012 Texas Psychological Association Convention in Austin, Texas.
Domínguez, D., & Nuñez, G. (2012, November). Innovative Play Analyzers: Helpful Device in the Treatment of ADHD? Poster session presented at the 2012 Texas Psychological Association Convention in Austin, Texas.
Domínguez, D., Malaret, J., & Morales, E. (2012, October). Orgullo Sin Fronteras: Advocating for Latina/o LGBT Immigrants in Bi-National Romantic and Political Asylum Partnerships. In E. Peña (Chair), Latino Same-Sex Bi-National Families: Immigration’s Forgotten. Symposium presented at the 6th biennial National Latino/a Psychological Association Conference, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Torres-Eaton, N., & Domínguez, D. (2012, October). Disparity Between Bilingual/Bicultural Trainees and the Availability of Bilingual Supervisors. Roundtable session presented at the 6th biennial National Latino/a Psychological Association Conference, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Nunez, G., Domínguez, D. Bustamante, N., Carrasco, A. (2012, August). Interdisciplinary Team Science, Interprofessional Practice, and Obesity. Poster session presented at the 120th annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida.
Bluntzer, L. Noelle, F., & Domínguez, D. (2012, July). Creative Means of Storytelling in Therapy through Mind-Body-Spirit Practices. Roundtable session presented at the 15th biennial Constructivist Psychology Conference, Arlington, Texas.
Domínguez, D., & Holder, R. (2012, February). LGBTQ Mental Health Training; Improving Students’ Multicultural and Therapeutic Competencies. Symposium presented at the annual South Eastern Psychological Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Domínguez, D., Solórzano, B. (2011, April). Non-heterosexual Bi-national Couples: Resilient Victims of Sexual Prejudice and Discriminatory Immigration Policies. Symposium presented at the 2011 Center for Mexican American Studies & Research Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Martinez, S., & Solórzano, B., & Domínguez, D. (2010, November). ¿Me entiendes? Bilingual Training Issues for Psychotherapists. Symposium presented at the 5th biennial National Latino/a Psychological Association in San Antonio, Texas.
Domínguez, D., & Nunez, G.I. (2010, November). Storying teen pregnancy: Se comió la torta antes del recreo. Poster session presented at the 5th biennial National Latino/a Psychological Association Biennial Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Domínguez, D., Berríos, C., Correa, G. (2022, April). Humanizing Education and Youth Services in Sonoma County. Seminar presented at the 2022 Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership Retreat at the Finley Community Center, Santa Rosa, California.
Domínguez, D. (2022, February). White Supremacy at Counseling and Psychological Services. Workshop presented to the University of Santa Cruz Counseling and Psychological Services, Santa Cruz, California.
Domínguez, D. (2022, February). White Supremacy and its Connection to Racial Trauma. Workshop presented to the Santa Barbara Children’s Trauma Network Conference (virtual presentation).
Berrios, C., Domínguez, D., (2021, September). Redlining in Sonoma County. Seminar presentation for the Committee on the Shelterless, Petaluma, Sonoma County, California.
Domínguez, D., De Leon, R., Hernandez, J. (2021, September). Cómo apoyar la salud mental de nuestros jóvenes. Panel presented to Sonoma County’s Spanish Speaking Community. Path to Hope Conference, Sonoma County, California.
Domínguez, D., Berrios, C. (2021, August). Un Retrato del Condado de Sonoma 2021. Seminar open to and presented to Sonoma County’s Spanish Speaking Community (organized by Measure of America), Sonoma County, California.
Domínguez, D., Kimzin, N. (2021, September). Trauma and the Arts with Migrant Students. Workshop presentation at the 2021 National Migrant Education Conference.
Domínguez, D. (2021, August). White Supremacy in Sonoma County. Seminar presentation for the Committee on the Shelterless, Petaluma, Sonoma County, California.
Domínguez, D. (2021, April). Dismantling the Racial Caste System in the United States. Workshop presentation for the Catholic Volunteer Network, United States.
Domínguez, D. (2021, July). Trans Affirming K-12 School Environments. Catholic Leadership Studies Conference, San Francisco, California.
Domínguez, D. (2021, July). Consciousness Raising & Daily Acts. Workshop presentation for Daily Acts, Sonoma County, Conference.
Domínguez, D. (2021, May). Self and Community Care as Acts of Resistance. Seminar presentation for the City of Santa Rosa Advisory Board, Sonoma County, California.
Domínguez, D. (2021, March). White Supremacy and Racial Trauma. Sonoma County Mental Health Board Public Hearing, Sonoma County, California.
Domínguez, D. (2020, September). Education in the time of COVID. Panel presentation at Sonoma County Office of Education’s CARE Collective: Culturally-Sustaining And Responsive Engagement during COVID-19.
Domínguez, D. (2020, September). Anti-racism in Mental Health. Workshop presented at Serenity Knolls in Marin County, California.
Domínguez, D. (2017, November). Working with Vulnerable Populations Using Narrative Therapy. Workshop session presented at Haight and Ashbury Psychological Services, San Francisco, California.
Domínguez, D. (2017, July). Working with Undocumented Clients Using a Multi-Systemic Approach to Counseling. Workshop session presented at Haight and Ashbury Psychological Services, San Francisco, California.
Domínguez, D. (2017, May). Human Sexuality: An Inclusive and Strengths- Based Approach to Sexual Pleasure. Symposium presented at the 2017 Sonoma County Behavioral Health Division Community Mental Health Lecture Series, Santa Rosa, California.
Domínguez, D. (2022, January). Building your Curriculum Vitae as a Mental Health Clinician. Workshop presented at the University of San Francisco Santa Rosa Campus, Santa Rosa, California. Organized by the USF Santa Rosa Campus.
Domínguez, D. (2020, December). Building your Curriculum Vitae as a Mental Health Clinician. Workshop presented at the University of San Francisco Santa Rosa Campus, Santa Rosa, California. Organized by the USF Santa Rosa Campus.
Domínguez, D. (2020, September). Wisdom of Another. Attending Behaviors as a Community Building Tool. Workshop presented at the University of San Francisco. Organized by Instructional Design & Educational Technology Services.
Domínguez, D., Pour-Khorshid, F., Yoshioka, K. (2020, July). Humanizing and Engaging Remote Instruction Through Podcasting. Workshop presented at the University of San Francisco (virtual presentation). Organized by the University of San Francisco’s School of Education Deans.
Domínguez, D., Cheng, H.L, Leung, G. (2020, March). Marginalized Communities in Times of COVID-19 Crisis. Workshop presented at the University of San Francisco. Organized by the Tracy Seeley Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE).
Domínguez, D. (2019, December). Building your Brand as a Mental Health Clinician. Workshop presented at the University of San Francisco Santa Rosa Campus. Organized by the USF Santa Rosa Campus.
Domínguez, D. (2018, January). Building your Brand as a Mental Health Clinician. Workshop presented at the University of San Francisco Santa Rosa Campus. Organized by the USF Santa Rosa Campus.
Domínguez, D. (2019, June). Understanding Trans identities and Supporting Students Who are Trans in Catholic Schools. Symposium presented at the CEL Summit LGBTQIA+ Inclusion In Catholic Schools. Organized by the McGrath Institute for Jesuit Catholic Education.
Domínguez, D., & Belinda. (2019, February). Womxn of Color Responding to Natural and Social Disasters. Symposium presented at the Uplift X Empower: The 3D Experience Conference at the University of San Francisco. Organized by the Cultural Centers and the Womxn of Color Conference Committee.
Domínguez, D. (2019, January). Pertenecemos: Expanding, Disrupting, and Building. Symposium presented at the 2019 Stakeholder Community Forum: 5th Annual Latinas in Leadership Conference at the University of San Francisco. Organized by the University of San Francisco’s Stakeholder Community Forum.
Domínguez, D. (2019, December). Curriculum Vitaes, Cover Letters, and Interviews in Mental Health. Workshop presented at the University of San Francisco Santa Rosa Campus. Presentation organized by the USF Santa Rosa Campus.
Bleasdale, J. & Domínguez, D. (2018, November). Meeting the Needs of Students who are Transgender in Catholic Schools. Workshop presented at the University of San Francisco School of Education. Organized by the McGrath Institute for Jesuit Catholic Education.
Domínguez, D. (2018, July). Liberation Psychology; An Inclusive and Affirming Approach Based on Ignatian Principles. Seminar presented at the University of San Francisco Santa Rosa Campus. Organized by the USF Santa Rosa Campus.
Domínguez, D., Hernandez-Arriaga, B., Felipe, L. (2018, March). Organizing and Effecting Change in the Wake of Natural Disasters. Symposium presented at the 2018 Child and Youth Studies Spring Symposium at the University of San Francisco.
Domínguez, D. (2017, December). Practicing Self Care, Spiritual and Mental Well-Being. Symposium presented at the 2017 Queer Educators in Religious Schools (QEIRS) Conference. Organized by The McGrath Institute for Jesuit Catholic Education at the University of San Francisco.
Domínguez, D., Bleasdale, J., & Dowling, A. (2017, November). Trans-Scripts. Symposium presented at the University of San Francisco’s Intercultural Center, San Francisco, California.